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(Without Exception!)
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed." Proverbs 31:8
Sunday Worship
Worship will be at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary
Labyrinth Walks
The Labyrinth is open on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 7:30 PM September until May.
Walk for 20 minutes or the full 2 hours or sit in our candlelit sanctuary.
Bible Study
Join us on Thursdays from 1:00-2:30pm as we study the Word. January to May we will be studying Revelation.
In the Mission House on the property

Hello Neighbor
Are you searching? If so, for what?
Searching for answers to tough questions?
Searching for purpose and direction?
Searching for friendship and fellowship?
If, like most of us, your answer is yes to any of these questions, maybe you’d like to read on…
Answers? At Brookdale Reformed Church we don’t claim to have pat answers to all of life’s tough questions, but we have learned to look to the Bible and to the Lord for help and do you know what? When we’re willing to admit it, the answer is usually there!
Purpose? At Brookdale Reformed Church we have come to understand that God calls us (each of us) to serve, to serve one another and to serve the less fortunate here and around the world …and guess what? We get back far more than we give!
Fellowship? At Brookdale Reformed Church we are a family, a loving, multi-ethnic community. Just come through the door and you will feel the love, the genuine friendship, and the warmth. Really! Come and see!
Now, don’t get us wrong – we don’t think we’ve arrived – but we’re working at it! Our desire and heartfelt prayer is to continually grow in the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to imitate His life, and to answer His call.
If this is what you have been searching for…
Welcome Home!

Bread of Life
Giving food & God's Word to those with food insecurities in Newark
We are a diverse group of Christians
striving to understand and live
the word of God
through prayer, worship, fellowship, mission and nurturing.
We'd sure love to have you join with us!

Sharing at Bloomfield Harvest Fest
For God so loved the world that he gave his only and unique Son, so that everyone who trusts in him may have eternal life, instead of being utterly destroyed.
For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but rather so that through him, the world might be saved. (John 3:16-17 (CJB)

Greetings to all!
Welcome to our website and we hope to welcome you one day to Brookdale - whether it is on Zoom during this pandemic or one day in person.
Although, I became the Pastor at Brookdale Reformed back in 2014, I began in ministry as a chaplain at ECCR in Wyckoff. ECCR is a residential organization that provides 24/7 care to approx. 110 people with intellectual and developmental disabilities where I continue to provide spiritual care to the residents, their families, and staff. I have been married to my husband Jim for almost 30 years. We have two daughters Samantha and Brianna. I completed my studies at New Brunswick Theological Seminary in 2007 and went on to train in Specialized Ministry in 2008.
And now that we have gotten through the bio stuff, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself and how I’ve gotten to this point on my life journey.
I will not sugarcoat things, this journey has been one full of potholes and wrong turns, but it has also been amazing and definitely not what I expected my life to be like.
I left the church at the age of 17 and did not return for many years. In looking back, as I often do, I see that God was always with me, allowing me to make choices, some quite foolish. But whenever I was in need, I felt God’s presence trying to help me, which help, of course, I rarely accepted. I knew better.
I spent quite a few years in corporate America, living the American dream, or so I thought! But some things happening in my life got my attention and eventually I discovered that I yearned for a better relationship with God. In turning back to God and to the church, I discovered that God had an amazing plan for my life and eventually I allowed that plan to unfold by becoming a pastor, a shepherd of God’s people.
I believe God has called me into this role because I am familiar with life’s potholes, often falling into them. But because I have allowed God to help me climb out of them, I’ve learned who I really need to trust and it’s not myself – but God! And God hasn’t let me down. Oh, I still stumble, make mistakes, and definitely don’t have all the answers, but when I turn to God or cry out for help, I always find that God is right there by my side.
And here is the good news: I’m not special! This relationship with God is offered and available to you as well. If you are struggling, or feel far from God, and you don’t know how to get closer, come worship with us or call me. We can make an appointment to talk.
In the meantime, know that God does love you and be blessed in that knowledge. May our God of hope be with you.
Pastor Susan